
It's The End


You always said that i am your best friend
Do you think so?
You said that you loved
Yet, you make me feel less

You always said you need me
Yet, you wouldn't let me be apart of your life

You said that you cared
Yet, you make me feel neglected

You said that you shared
Yet, you wouldn't let me know the secret

You wouldn't let me do what I want
You wouldn't let me be apart

It's the end..
I can't handled its anymore
I can't stand strong
I can't stayed along
You disappointed me so many time

My beloved friends that I cared so much
I need to go
I need to walk away
I need to leaved you behind
I need to go through the shadow
I need to forget the feeling
I need to find my happiness

My friends
I am sorry
It's the end..

A Letter For My Friend (---)

Dear Friend,
I am sorry for what happenned to us
We are not the same person anymore
You and me are different
We are apart from the destiny
We are trying too hard to be a "bestfriend"
I Know i'm supposed to be your bestfriend
But after what happened to us
I prefer to be your friend without the "best"
I'm no longer feel the same
I'm no longer played the role
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
But I still love you..I still need you
You are my strength
You are my weaknesses
You are my joy
You are my supporter
You were meant everything for me
No matter what happened i'll always be there when you need me

My dear friend:
Don't feel sad
Don't waste your tears
Don't feel neglected
Because no matter what happened I'll always be at your side


My Life

I was walking
Walking along the road
Looking at something that can heal my bored
Searching for the light to lighten the darkness
Try to fulfilled my emptiness
I was waiting
Waiting and keep waiting but
The darkness still blanket my night
My life seems to be happy
My life seems to be amazing
My life seems to be joy
The truth is - My life is just a dream
It’s dark
It’s bored
It’s empty
God, do you hear my heart screaming?
Do you received my pray?
Oh god, I know I’m not that angel
I’ve done many mistakes and I never try to be good
God, I know I can’t get him
But why you still make me feel the beat?
Why you still keep us close and become closer?
Why can’t you help me hate him?
Why, god?
I need to hate him
I need to be apart from his life

I Miss My Friend

I miss the look of surrender in your eyes
The way your soft brown hair would fall
I miss the power of your kiss when we made love
But baby most of all

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss the colors that you brought into my life
Your golden smile, those blue-green eyes
I miss your gentle voice in lonely times like now
Saying it'll be alright

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss those times
I miss those nights
I even miss the silly fights
The making up
The morning talks
And those late afternoon walks

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with

credit to:Darryl Worley


Deep Inside of Me

There is something deep inside of me that screams out for you,
Your name,
Your Trust,
Your Touch,
Your Kiss,
Every moment we spent,
I don't want to live another day without you,
I don't want to sleep,
I don't want to dream about you,
I hate it how it makes me feel,
I miss waking next to you,
Waking next to you made me felt safe,
Deep inside of me,
Made me want to kiss you again,
You took away my pain,
My sadness,
I hate it when I think about you,
The time we spent together,
Was never forgotten,
Deep inside of me is dying,
I can't believe it hurts this much,
Why can't I let you go,
Deep inside of me is fading,
Waiting for you,
Slowly I am losing you by every mintue,
Never knew it will hurt me this much,
Sadly we fade away.

credit to:
Jennifer Rondeau



Apa kata kamu kamu tolong isi ruang-ruang yang kosong itu
Isi hingga penuh dengan keseronokkan yang tiada hujung
Keseronokkan yang bukan bersifat sementara tapi
Keseronokkan yang kekal sepanjang masa hidup
dan akan menjadi kenangan yang ta'kan luput diujung waktu senggang
Kenangan yang ta'kan hilang dimata jiwa
Isi ruang kosong itu
Isi ruang itu dengan penuh keasyikkan..keghairahan..keseronokkan
Isi ruang itu dengan rasa yang bukan sia-sia


Daerah Aku

Ini daerah siapa?
Daerah yang kontang
Daerah yang sedang meranggas
Daerah yang kelam
Daerah yang sorang
Ini daerah siapa?

Ini adalah daerah aku..
Walau ia kontang
Walau ia sedang meranggas
Walau ia kelam
Walau ia sorang
Daerah itu masih daerah aku

Yang kontang tidak bermakna kemarau
Walau kontang, namun ia belum merekah

Yang meranggas tidak bererti lekang
Walau meranggas, namun ia tetap teguh

Yang kelam tidak bermakna gelap
Walau kelam, namun ia tidak malap

Yang sorang tidak bererti sunyi
Walau sorang, namun ia masih punya mereka yang lain

Mereka yang mengisi setiap daerah yang kontang itu
Mereka yang mengukuhkan setiap daerah yang sedang meranggas
Mereka yang menerangi setiap daerah yang kelam
Mereka yang setia menemani aku yang sorang

Inilah daerah aku..
Walau ia banyak kekangan namun
Daerah ini telah mendewasakan setiap tutur langkah
Daerah ini telah mematangkan setiap isi minda
Daerah ini telah memenuhi setiap tuntutan sebuah kehidupan..